Monday, September 26, 2011

Waking Up

By Claire Hegarty

Not a very nice day, is it? says I
It depends on what you focus on says he
Up until this point I had been feeling blah
and unwittingly focusing on that fact
his comment woke me up

Can you give me just five minutes to myself? says I
But I need you Mammy, says He
In my selfishness I had forgotten for a while
how lucky I am to be needed
his comment woke me up

I'm not as young as I used to be, says She
I had been impatient for her to hurry up
now I think, if I'm lucky to live that long
I will get old and slow too
her comment woke me up

Each day I seem to slip back into a slumber
but I am now so aware of that
that thankfully a comment or an action
In an instant, triggers
my waking up

Here I Am

by Claire Hegarty

Here I am,
and I know I'm okay
It's taken me a long  time
to feel this way,
a long long time,,
to know who I am
to cultivate
some inner calm

It will take more time
this I know
to get to where
I want to go
but at least I know
where that is now
I know where I want to get to
and I know  how

The answers come
from within
I wish I had known this
when I was young and thin!
Inner peace and calm
this is the key
to get to where
I want to be