Friday, October 8, 2010

The Budget is coming! - GUEST VERSE

by Vincent Houlihan  © 

The Budget is coming,

we're scared to the bone,

will I give up me car,

me house or me phone?
They're tellin me NAMA

and Anglo are kool,
but they've taken me steak,

now I have to eat gruel...

First they said 2 years,

now they say ten,
and they'll tax me gold fillings

between now and then,
if we have work ideas,

they think we're just snobs,

we lose all our benefits

if we create jobs.

Oh! and while I'm at it,

don't ever get sick,
3 weeks on a trolley 

just won't do the trick.

so they'll pick on the pensions,

its easy - they're old,
and export the young ones

as though they're being sold,

what's left will be muggins

and all of my kind,

to follow our leaders

as though we were blind,

If we dont find the culprits, 

it will happen again,
we need  a clear message 

to send out the them.
The mystical tiger 

who once stalked our shore,
now lies like a crumpled old rug

on the floor......................

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